It’s A Good Day To Be Dog (2025)

On my journey from zero to fluent in Korean, It’s a Good Day to be a Dog and two other dramas have been on constant replay for a good minute now. So much so, that it’s gone from more than just a litmus test to my go-to drama whenever I’m feeling sorts.

I haven’t gotten around to reading the manhwa yet- frankly, I don’t see that happening, I see no reason to. The live-action is perfect the way it is, for me to read the manhwa now I would just be playing spot the discrepancy. Like many book lovers who watched the movie after reading the book, the case is they’re almost always disappointed by the creative licenses taken by the director. To which I say no thanks. That being said I can admit It’s a Good Day to be a Dog is pretty strange to say the least.

The drama is so rife with problems, it is hilarious. The gas-lighting, alcoholism, inappropriate student-teacher relationship, KISSING A DOG, and so many more issues it would be so easy to write off the drama and call it a day. But I love it with all its weird quirks, and I don’t care who knows it. It’s such a beautiful love story that says take me as I am with all my flaws, and that’s what we all want right? No? Well let me speak for myself then, it’s what I would want!

My five-second elevator synopsis is Cinderella meets Frog Prince meets Korean culture and a whole lot of I don’t know what else. The storyline jumps between modern-day Korea and the Joseon period. It is a tale of boy meets girl, alleged betrayal, heavy emphasis on the ALLEGED, and revenge.

In their past lives, Lee Bo Gyeom was a tiger spirit mountain god and his girlfriend was Lady Min Ji Ah. Han Hae Na was serving wench to Lady Ji Ah, and Jin Seo Won was the equivalent of a police officer in their day.
Fast forward to present-day Korea, they all meet again at Garam High School. Hae Na is a Korean Language teacher, Seo Won is a math teacher,
Bo Gyeom is a Korean History teacher, and Ji Ah is a psychic student.

Bo Gyeom bewitched her the minute she arrived at Garam High School, that’s the only explanation for why Seo Won and Hae Na’s love wasn’t instantly mutual again. For Seo Won, from the moment she introduced herself as the Korean Language teacher sparks flew. But then I questioned why Seo Won rebuffed her every attempt at friendship- fear of dogs aside. Wouldn’t it do to fight for her and get in her good graces? If he did want to be with Hae Na, giving her the cold shoulder certainly produced the opposite effect. In fact it might have cemented her love for Bo Gyeom, even if it was artificial. My only answer is perhaps by shunning her he inoculated himself from the pain of rejection. His interaction with the ghost of her after Hae Na’s memories were taken certainly revealed how much he loves her.

Quick sanity check: I’m not the only one who noticed Seo Won took advantage of Hae Na’s being drunk right? Even in her drunken state, she recognized Bo Gyeom’s jacket, which was the only reason she approached Seo Won with the confession. This whole drama could have been avoided had he corrected the mistaken identity. To add insult to injury he played the victim when she questioned why he was wearing Bo Gyeom’s jacket. Not saying she should be absolved of all ills in her attempts to break the curse, but he is mostly to blame here.

In my mind I was questioning Natureboy’s godhood, for example, why bring a knife to a gunfight. On many occasions, he proved he could perform supernational feats with a flick of the wrist. Why not drop those bums, save your girlfriend, and ride off into the mountains? The story uses faulty plot armor and she dies, he becomes hellbent on destroying the remaining lovebirds- if I can’t be happy, you can’t be either. Petty.

I think subconsciously he hated all their guts, but Ji Ah the most, lol. Like what if secretly he was looking for a convenient way to off her without looking like the villain? I mean from the jump he said she was going to be a headache. Punishing Hae Na and Seo Won was icing on the cake.

That leads me to my next pain the worst character in the whole drama is hands down Bo Gyeom. Yes, he’s even worse than Han Jae Hee, the girl who tried to frame Seo Won or even Kang Eun Hwan, Seo Won’s high school bully. I was so pissed off when I learned he just absconded after ruining how many lives with that horrible curse, with no apology to speak of. The rat just ran off like the useless coward he is. I don’t care if he was heartbroken. Does Hae Na and her family get a blessing for all eternity for all the pain and suffering? No! And what about Seo Won who still has to deal with the fear of dogs? No! They have to carry on as if nothing happened. I wish he was stripped of his powers and forced to live a cursed life for the length of each person’s life the curse ruined.

Finally, my favorite character out of all of them was Yul, played by Yoon Hyun-Soo. Yul is such a cutie and a genuine friend. Although He had some really cringe-worthy moments, like when he realized he was in love with Hae Na (he’s still a kid). But I guess that’s what makes him so adorable.

I give this drama 4 out of 5 rose petals.

It’s A Good Day To Be Dog (2025)


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